Run the Agent

The Pro Custodibus agent is a lightweight service that runs on each monitored host and sends WireGuard usage and audit logs to the Pro Custodibus servers. If configured to do so, it can also update the host’s WireGuard and network configuration.

Normal Install

To run the agent on a host, do the following:

  1. Add a host entry in the Pro Custodibus app for the host.

  2. Download the setup files to the host.

  3. Download the agent to the host and run the installer; or run the agent as a container.

  4. Go back to the app, and check the status of the host.

If you have already installed the agent, but it does not appear to be working, see the Agent Troubleshooting documentation to troubleshoot it.

With Containers

If you are running a WireGuard interface within a Docker (or other OCI) container, the agent must run in the same container as the WireGuard interface. You can build your own image for this, or you can use our pre-built container image. When run this way, all instructions that refer to the WireGuard “host” should be read as referring to the container with WireGuard in it (and not the container’s own host).