Set Up a Host

To start monitoring a host, make sure you have added a host entry for it in the app. You can view the list of all your existing hosts on the Hosts page.

Set Up Page

The host’s setup page will outline the steps needed to set up the host, and include links to the agent configuration and setup files needed to install the agent.

Follow these steps to go to the host’s setup page:

  1. Click the Hosts link in the app header.

  2. Find the host in the list, and click its name to view its main status page.

  3. Click the “gear” icon on the right side of the Agent panel to view the host’s setup page.

Configuration File

On the host’s setup page, click the procustodibus.conf link to download the agent configuration file. Copy this file to the following location on the host:


The configuration file contains the configuration settings the agent will use for this specific host.

Setup File

On the host’s setup page, also click the procustodibus-setup.conf link to download the agent setup file. Copy this file to the following location on the host:


The setup file contains a one-time setup code that the agent will use to authenticate with the Pro Custodibus servers the first time it connects. The agent will delete the setup file after it uses it.

The one-time code in the setup file is good for three days. If the code already has been used or has expired, you can download a replacement setup file with a new one-time code by clicking the same procustodibus-setup.conf link again.

Credentials File

As part of the setup process, the agent will generate a unique Ed25519 keypair that it will use to authenticate with on subsequent connections (note this keypair is distinct from any X25519 keys your host uses for WireGuard). The agent will save this keypair to the following location on the host:


The configuration file and either the credentials file or the setup file must be present on the host in order for the agent to run.

Alternate Directories

On hosts that don’t have an /etc/wireguard/ directory, the agent will alternately look in the following directories for configuration and setup files:

  • /usr/local/etc/wireguard/

  • /usr/local/etc/procustodibus/

  • /etc/procustodibus/

It will also look in a few OS-specific directories:


On macOS, place the agent configuration and setup files in the following directory on the host:



On Windows, place the agent configuration and setup files in the following directory on the host:

C:\Program Files\Pro Custodibus Agent\cnf\


When running the agent in a container, place the agent configuration and setup files in a directory mapped to the container’s own /etc/wireguard/ directory.

For example, if running the agent with the following docker run command:

$ sudo docker run \
    --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
    --publish 51820:51820/udp \
    --volume /srv/containers/wireguard/conf:/etc/wireguard \

Place the agent configuration and setup files in the following directory on the container host:


Next Steps

Download the agent software and copy it to the host (or run the agent in a container).