Config Changes

You can view the list of individual configuration changes that have been made for an interface or endpoint.

To view the config changes for an interface, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Hosts link in the app header.

  2. Find the host containing the interface in the list, and click its name to view the host’s main status page.

  3. Find the interface in the Interfaces panel, and click its name to view the interface’s main status page.

  4. Scroll down to the Config Changes panel.

To view the config changes for an endpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Hosts link in the app header.

  2. Find the host containing the endpoint in the list, and click its name to view the host’s main status page.

  3. Find the endpoint in the Endpoints panel, and click its name to view the endpoint’s main status page.

  4. Scroll down to the Changes panel.

Restore Interface

To restore the configuration of an interface to the point in time immediately following a listed change in the interface’s Config Changes panel, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “circle-with-arrow-and-dot” icon corresponding to the change in the Config Changes panel. This will open a dialog box.

  2. Select one of the following options from the Restore to Point in Time dialog box:

    1. Don’t include any endpoint changes

    2. Include endpoint changes except to public IP and port

    3. Include all endpoint changes

  3. Click the Restore button.

Select the Don’t include any endpoint changes option if you’ve made changes to individual endpoint settings (like to add or remove several endpoints) since the point-in-time, and you don’t want to revert those changes.

Select the Include endpoint changes except to public IP and port option if the public IP and port of the interface’s endpoints are dynamic (eg the endpoints are end-user workstations without fixed public IP addresses).

Otherwise, select the Include all endpoint changes option.

After you click the Restore button, the next time the Pro Custodibus agent on the host pings the Pro Custodibus servers, the agent will receive the information about the interface changes to restore, and execute them.

Restore Endpoint

To restore the configuration of an endpoint to the point in time immediately following a listed change in the endpoint’s Changes panel, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “circle-with-arrow-and-dot” icon corresponding to the change in the Changes panel. This will open a dialog box.

  2. Select one of the following options from the Restore to Point in Time dialog box:

    1. Include changes except to public IP and port

    2. Include all changes

  3. Click the Restore button.

Select the Include changes except to public IP and port option if the public IP and port of the endpoint is dynamic (eg the endpoint is an end-user workstation without a fixed public IP address).

Otherwise, select the Include all changes option.

After you click the Restore button, the next time the Pro Custodibus agent on the host pings the Pro Custodibus servers, the agent will receive the information about the endpoint changes to restore, and execute them.