

We welcome and appreciate all forms of contribution to Pro Custodibus from everyone!

Code of Conduct

We pledge to act in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community; and ask that you please do the same. See the Code of Conduct page for details.

Ask a Question

Ask questions or make suggestions by sending an email to the ~arx10/ mailing list. See the Mailing List page for more information about how to use this list.

File a Bug

File bugs in the issue tracker at Please see the File a Bug page for a detailed how-to.

Report a Vulnerability

Instead of using the issue tracker, please report any bugs you think may expose a security vulnerability to See the Report a Vulnerability page for details.

Request a Feature

File feature requests in the issue tracker at Please see the File a Bug page for a detailed how-to.

Submit a Patch

Send patches to the ~arx10/ mailing list (or alternately, you can post them to the issue tracker). Please see the Submit a Patch page for a detailed how-to.

Source Code


Source code for the API server can be found at

Source code under the ee directory of this repository is exclusive to the Enterprise Edition, and is licensed under the terms of the Pro Custodibus Enterprise Edition End User License Agreement (EULA). All other source code belongs to the Community Edition, available under the GPL 3.0 license. See the repository’s LICENSE file for details.


Source code for the app UI can be found at

Source code under the ee directory of this repository is exclusive to the Enterprise Edition, and is licensed under the terms of the Pro Custodibus Enterprise Edition End User License Agreement (EULA). All other source code belongs to the Community Edition, available under the GPL 3.0 license. See the repository’s LICENSE file for details.


Source code for the agent client can be found at

The source code in this repository is available under the MIT license, and can be used with any Pro Custodibus edition without limitation.

Development Environment

  • See the Development page for instructions for how to set up a development environment.

  • See the Testing page for instructions on how to test the Pro Custodibus components together.

  • See the Building page for how to build your working copy of the Pro Custodibus components for deployment to a production environment.